Tuesday, March 08, 2005

An article in the "Guardian" reminding us about Mandelson's past

"He expressed frustration with the failure of government ministers to accept accountability for their mistakes or scandals, and cited Peter Mandelson - twice forced to resign from the Cabinet - and the war in Iraq as reasons why the electorate had lost faith in politicians.

He told SocietyGuardian.co.uk: "Had Margaret Hodge and others like Mandelson shown recognition of their past behaviour then I wouldn't be standing for election"

Oh dear. Tut tut. Now and again, something to remind us of Peter Mandelson's past...

I strongly suspect someone, somewhere, is probably waiting for him to live up to the "bad things happen in threes" adage, and be forced to resign from his EU Trade Commissioner post, too...

from http://politics.guardian.co.uk/homeaffairs/story/0,11026,1432286,00.html


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